Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My academic perfromance.

I'm back. This time trying to kill time while waiting for Roy to be done with his stuff.

I shall get rid of all the distractions I'd been having and probably, find inspiration to study real soon like NOW. Well, there are many factors contributing to my all so horrible and poor academic performance. Most of it comes from laziness and thinking that without studying, I would be able to pass. However, the past few days of Ms Lau's repetive advices that just passing isn't enough to get me to the course that I'd wish to take has made me come to my senses. Passing is one thing, but able to pass with flying colours is another whole.

I've decided that I would need to PRACTICE ALOT for maths and science. Read more books, including chinese as well. I'd need to revise and understand this year topics for humanities. Seriously, no more distractions already. Maybe a little, but the whole point is to wake up and buck up. Study study study. Veron and I are aiming for 10 points for O's. Sounds unachievable, but you'll never know till you try. I'll prove everyone wrong!!! Certainly. I swear.


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