Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhh!!!!! (screams at the top of my lungs)

Choooooooooowwww Sheila. :D

Chiang Chiang Chiang.
Verooooonnn & Weijieeeeeeee. (((:

This is my 2nd post for the day... Kind of pissed now, somehow. First, F doesn't reply my message. Second, issues about my blog. But nevermind, at least I know that people are reading it. Third, exams are coming. Fourth, I'm just so effing pissed, I can't go on with the list... Aiyer, just irritated la. Anyway, those are some pictures of my friends and I. Yaya... So bored right now that I think I'm crapping already.
Give me a HIGH-5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555... ... ...
Pissing off,

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