How time flies!
2 more tests to go...
I barely studied for the history paper last night. I was able to remember everything about WW2. But yet, there seemed to be loopholes here and there. I just flipped through the textbook one last time and went to bed. Oh, thanks Jocelyn, Olivia and Bei Yin for helping me to cramp up those last few points just before we entered the exam hall.
Nomura Kichisaburo and Cordell Hull!
Am I right?
God-damn! Physics paper tomorrow! I better pass! I don't wanna fail again. Oh wait a minute, did I told you guys what happened last year? I was embarrassed in front of the entire class for failing the easiest Physics paper. Shit. Mr Song definitely made me realize how lousy I am. But still, I haven't been putting effort at all to revise last year's topics.
Ben sent my mum about the report of how I've been doing at tuition. It's horrendous. I burst out crying to myself knowing that I could have done better. I hate this feeling, knowing that I'm starting to trip and losing grip of everything, everything. I don't wanna feel this way next year when I look at my O's result slip. I wanna feel proud of myself!
Knowing myself, I can never study alone. I need people around me to encourage me and tell me that I can battle this war ahead of me. Thanks baby and my girls, for letting me know that I'm not alone. Or else, I may be like some of the Iraqi soldiers who felt that there was no morale in battling the war anymore and surrender.
Omg, I had a sudden flash of the gong bird's face from the library. That made me giggle!
I can do this!
I can do this!
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