Friday, October 31, 2008
Stay home on Halloween Night.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!Gave school a miss today. No drive to study. I'm tired.
Laura's party canceled but it's okay.
Urrrggggh, I'm so pissed with you arse.
Blog later.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Usual breakfast plan with Roy this morn. School wasn't that bad today, except for the fact that Angeline missed school. Hist, Physics, Chinese and Geog. All class with the girls. Li Laoshi was so entertaining during Chinese. Those with a sense of laughter laughed till our sides hurt. Eww my gawd, Weekiat made himself look like he was steaming when the topic about sex was being brought up. Seriously, prolly he's like this 'cause some of his essential needs hasn't been met. *Goosebumps.
Headed for hub's foodcourt for lunch. Amanda is so sweet. She peeled prawns for me leehhhhs. Tell me you're jealous. Awww. Some embarrasing moments. We went to every skin care shop try out the nail polishes. One shop to recommend is THEFACESHOP. They have a wide range of nail polishes & the best part is that they have testers and nail polish removers. Commendable. I bought a nail buffer from THE BODY SHOP. It's really a cheap-and-good product & a necessity for most girls. Brilliant.
Headed for hub's foodcourt for lunch. Amanda is so sweet. She peeled prawns for me leehhhhs. Tell me you're jealous. Awww. Some embarrasing moments. We went to every skin care shop try out the nail polishes. One shop to recommend is THEFACESHOP. They have a wide range of nail polishes & the best part is that they have testers and nail polish removers. Commendable. I bought a nail buffer from THE BODY SHOP. It's really a cheap-and-good product & a necessity for most girls. Brilliant.
On the day I die, my soul will come for you. for you.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Bless you.
Hey y'll. I'm lazy and so just a short one. I woke up, went for breakfast with Roy and then school. Class was okay, wasn't too bored out. After school, went with Roy to Serangoon to fix up his watch. & thank god, we didn't get lost. I was so tired that I dropped to the ground and fell asleep for 3 hours straight when I got home. Okay, time for pictures...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
It's a small world for you.
Halloween is coming yo.
Girls, if you're reading, we needa rack our brains to make this party an eventful one.
My mum will be sparing some cash for food and the bbq pit, so no worries about that.
Hopefully, we can print invitations in school to save some papers and ink.
& leave a message if you're sleeping over. (:
My mum will be sparing some cash for food and the bbq pit, so no worries about that.
Hopefully, we can print invitations in school to save some papers and ink.
& leave a message if you're sleeping over. (:
Not bright and early when I woke up, I betcha the city is still asleep. But that doesn't really make sense since this island that we live in is so vibrant.
Dragged myself to the toilet to wash up. Then the sudden thought of last night's plan rushed me like a mad cow. I did everything so fast that I forgot to zip my skirt. OPPS! :O Luckily, Yati spotted it seyh. I can't imagine exposing myself on the bus. Shoots!
Oh yes, by the time I met Roy for breafast, my lids weighed a ton. I was too tired to even makan. Roy ended eating alone.
Guess what? We were almost late for school. Mr Ong was already giving his usual lectures when we arrived at the school gate.
New rule implemented: 1 hour of detention for being late.Guess what? We were almost late for school. Mr Ong was already giving his usual lectures when we arrived at the school gate.
What the f.uck? Would 1 hour make you less lethargic in the morn? *Faints.
School was horrendous. Miss Tan left class for only 15 mins and the class, supposingly to be sweet little angels reading a book quietly while waiting turn to be a wild deranged bunch of mentally unfit animals that would upset the amazon if left uncaged. Especially that bloody rodent. Oh my tian ahh!!!
Had lunch with Joey, Veron, Weijie, Laura & Hung @ subway. Then left for dental. I'm all prepared for Halloween with my glow-in-the-dark bracesssss!!! Wooooohooo.
After dental, headed to Sheng Siong with my Mum to get ingredients for tonight.
Came home and slept all the way...
Monday, October 27, 2008
On Saturday, I woke up, bathed and headed off to meet Roy. Went to Cine, Plaza Sing, The Cathay and Vivo just to get tix for The Coffin. We decided to have dinner then head off to Henderson's Waves since we couldn't get any...

Went home, slept, woke up and it was Sunday. Ham came over to my place for sleepover. We slacked while Roy is going to get his freaking smiley piercing. Ass. We went swimming and blah blah blah. Lazy to elaborate.
I caught The Coffin today and it was supposed to be scary but I ended up laughing. Lol.
Okay, freak. I shall stop. Someone's nagging at me for blogging.
Went home, slept, woke up and it was Sunday. Ham came over to my place for sleepover. We slacked while Roy is going to get his freaking smiley piercing. Ass. We went swimming and blah blah blah. Lazy to elaborate.
I caught The Coffin today and it was supposed to be scary but I ended up laughing. Lol.
Okay, freak. I shall stop. Someone's nagging at me for blogging.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Embarassed, seriously.
Hello world!! Today was the day of the Science Competition. It was quite fun/slack/scary. We left school in the morning for Ngee Ann Poly's Convention Centre. Arrived and had to set up our booth. Looking at the other school's poster and presentations which show that much has been put in, I felt so embarassed of our poor work and effort. But anyways, Laura & I had fun doing henna and lunch was good!! Except for the fact that we freaked out while presenting to the judges, especially the one with the rich german accent. Oh & I agree with Zongcheng that Mr Tan is so budget. He drove to Weiqing's house to get some aloe vera and he wants to claim the amount of petrol spent for that trip. Wth??
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Peekchas. (Laura nehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
Peekchas. (Weijieeeeeeeeeeeeeee.)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Busy schedule till tomorrow.
I bet anyone reading would agree with me that today should be our last day of school. Practically half the class gave school a miss. Omfg? Laura & I left class before recess and headed for the lab to try out making our cream, Shine, along with some others. I know I'm mean if I say this but Mr Tan is officially certified gay according to the books of law of Jazreel. Seriously, which guy on earth would be so meticulous about every single detail. I had fun making my product and I hope my team would win at least the top 10. My product works okay!! I tried abit on my left hand and it's so smooth now. I love science experiments.
I'm so bored. Roy is balling. Ham, Weijie and Khai went out. Rina and Laura head for gym and swimming. The rest disappeared. Freak, I'm all alone. Forget it, I shall upload some pics that I took today.
I'm so bored. Roy is balling. Ham, Weijie and Khai went out. Rina and Laura head for gym and swimming. The rest disappeared. Freak, I'm all alone. Forget it, I shall upload some pics that I took today.
My academic perfromance.
I'm back. This time trying to kill time while waiting for Roy to be done with his stuff.
I shall get rid of all the distractions I'd been having and probably, find inspiration to study real soon like NOW. Well, there are many factors contributing to my all so horrible and poor academic performance. Most of it comes from laziness and thinking that without studying, I would be able to pass. However, the past few days of Ms Lau's repetive advices that just passing isn't enough to get me to the course that I'd wish to take has made me come to my senses. Passing is one thing, but able to pass with flying colours is another whole.
I've decided that I would need to PRACTICE ALOT for maths and science. Read more books, including chinese as well. I'd need to revise and understand this year topics for humanities. Seriously, no more distractions already. Maybe a little, but the whole point is to wake up and buck up. Study study study. Veron and I are aiming for 10 points for O's. Sounds unachievable, but you'll never know till you try. I'll prove everyone wrong!!! Certainly. I swear.
I shall get rid of all the distractions I'd been having and probably, find inspiration to study real soon like NOW. Well, there are many factors contributing to my all so horrible and poor academic performance. Most of it comes from laziness and thinking that without studying, I would be able to pass. However, the past few days of Ms Lau's repetive advices that just passing isn't enough to get me to the course that I'd wish to take has made me come to my senses. Passing is one thing, but able to pass with flying colours is another whole.
I've decided that I would need to PRACTICE ALOT for maths and science. Read more books, including chinese as well. I'd need to revise and understand this year topics for humanities. Seriously, no more distractions already. Maybe a little, but the whole point is to wake up and buck up. Study study study. Veron and I are aiming for 10 points for O's. Sounds unachievable, but you'll never know till you try. I'll prove everyone wrong!!! Certainly. I swear.
A total let down.
What's up all?? How are your results? Mine is terrible. L1R5: 31 :( I suck man. My mum needs to see Ms Tan on Friday. Shit, & I have to reflect on my results on a photocopied piece of results. It will be showed to my mum. Thankfully, my mum isn't that kind who would nag and nag about results. She wants me to try harder and ask for tuition if I need. How nice. :)
English: 61
Chinese: 52
Maths: 50 (I passed!!!) :D
Science (Phy, Chem): 61
Com. Humans: 42
Geography: 48
Art: 61
Shoots man, I need to study hard during the hols. Anyone up for some mugging session??
English: 61
Chinese: 52
Maths: 50 (I passed!!!) :D
Science (Phy, Chem): 61
Com. Humans: 42
Geography: 48
Art: 61
Shoots man, I need to study hard during the hols. Anyone up for some mugging session??
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Jelly fish.
Oh, I know what I'm about to say may be lame/dumb/stupid but I think it's funny. This happened on Saturday, the day I watched Nights in Rodanthe. I left my seat and wanted to leave the theatre and suddenly, by the steps, I just fell like that. Omg right? I don't know why I just feel that my whole body felt like jelly. So weak. Aiyooohhhh, this is nonsense. Nights, I'm going to bed. Heh heh.
Nightnight, love.
Nightnight, love.
I should have just slept in and miss school today. So many people were absent and school was no fun anymore just like any other boring day. :( Ms Tan and Mr Song weren't here which meant that half the entire day would be wasted, including Chinese lesson. Omfg, Ren Jing really hopeless already. If she's gonna teach my class next year again, we might as well make every of her lesson as free period and mug another subject. Wei Qing, Hilary, Laura & I went to Kallang with Mr TanKH after school to get our bottles for our product.
In the car:
Wei Qing hits her phone a few times.
Mr Tan: Omg, why do you keep hitting your phone?
Wei Qing: I don't know la. (Hits some more) My phone got problem! Omg, how come suddenly got 3 messages????
Mr Tan: Why cannot? You HOT what.
Wth, damn funny laaaaaa. Lol. Oh shoots, I gotta go design the label and I don't know how. Tmd.
In the car:
Wei Qing hits her phone a few times.
Mr Tan: Omg, why do you keep hitting your phone?
Wei Qing: I don't know la. (Hits some more) My phone got problem! Omg, how come suddenly got 3 messages????
Mr Tan: Why cannot? You HOT what.
Wth, damn funny laaaaaa. Lol. Oh shoots, I gotta go design the label and I don't know how. Tmd.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Plastic Hearts.
Hi people. I know my blog's private now and very inconvenient. I'm left with no choice uh. That bloody SPAMMER (Fuck off) keep spamming for some fucked up reason. Seriously got no life. Let's talk about today. The start of the day was already horrendous. It was raining but stopped during Chinese lesson. Ohmy, JALA was falling asleep again. Shitzzzzzzzz. During Geog class...heh heh.
:D Some people keep teasing laaaa. Hor, Amanda? Angeline? Laura? :$ Mr Tan has got serious issues with my team. Uh-oh, the competition is Friday seyh. He took my phone and Joelle's ez-link. For the next 2 lessons (CME & art), I was ignorant to my surroundings=sleeping. I might as well just stay at home and sleep right? Got held back for the Chem Com then went for lunch with Rina, Sheila, Amanda & Laura. Most of us were restless because some people not in school uh. Naiyong & ZiKeeerrrr. Hawhaw. Roy just went to sleep, so early again!!! Nevermind, I shall go to bed tooooooooooooooos.
I'll dream a dream.
:D Some people keep teasing laaaa. Hor, Amanda? Angeline? Laura? :$ Mr Tan has got serious issues with my team. Uh-oh, the competition is Friday seyh. He took my phone and Joelle's ez-link. For the next 2 lessons (CME & art), I was ignorant to my surroundings=sleeping. I might as well just stay at home and sleep right? Got held back for the Chem Com then went for lunch with Rina, Sheila, Amanda & Laura. Most of us were restless because some people not in school uh. Naiyong & ZiKeeerrrr. Hawhaw. Roy just went to sleep, so early again!!! Nevermind, I shall go to bed tooooooooooooooos.
I'll dream a dream.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Nights In Rodanthe.
Yesterday, I woke up bright and early to have breakfast. Showered and got ready to head to Vivo only to find Roy still sleeping. Tsktsk! I decided to just laze around and wait for him to get up. Met him at 3 and took a bus down to Vivo. We were expecting the trip to be long but we got there in less than an hour. How briliiant. I wanted to take him to the Henderson Waves but I don't know how to get there. Roy decided that we'll go some other time and instead catch Eagle Eye again but the slot was only left with the front row seats. Yeah so, walked around aimlessly deciding to do something. Went down to Cathay and caught Nights In Rodanthe. I'd say that this movie expresses the lines and characters more through actions. & omg, there's this motel by the beach made of wood in, it's so gorgeous. I was feeling so shagged and sick on the way home. By the time I got home, I fell asleep on my bed instantly.
I have no idea what I'm gonna do today. Probably just watch movies on my laptop, I guess.
I have no idea what I'm gonna do today. Probably just watch movies on my laptop, I guess.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Ohmygawd, I haven't been blogging regularly. Sorry.
Anyway, I went home after school only to find out that I forgot to meet Mr Tan. He actually called and asked to meet the team at school as soon as posibble?!?! However, being irresponsible, I couldn't be bothered and headed off to Somerset to meet Ed and Zak. & at Cine, Ham, Dan, Olio and Hariz. Caught the movie Max Payne. I didn't really get the story line because I was falling asleep. It was a pain in the ass when some students were commenting at every scene during the movie. Wth? I'm about to tell you something really embarrassing...
...I was eating nachos with cheese. Somehow, I managed to get the cheese all over my shirt and skirt. Shit seyh, Olio say I eat like a baby. :( Can't blame me right, it was so dark in the movies and I couldn't be bothered. Ohmy. I was damn embarrassed when I was out of the movies. Had to cover with my bag and rush to the toilet to wash up.
By the way, my results are as follows:
English - 63
Chinese - 50
Maths - 43
Science - 61
Combined Hist - 38
Pure Geog - 52
Art - 66
It's damn freaking pathetic. I will buck up now and start studying. But Chinese, it's useless. I got caught for sleeping in class today. Lol.
Anyway, I went home after school only to find out that I forgot to meet Mr Tan. He actually called and asked to meet the team at school as soon as posibble?!?! However, being irresponsible, I couldn't be bothered and headed off to Somerset to meet Ed and Zak. & at Cine, Ham, Dan, Olio and Hariz. Caught the movie Max Payne. I didn't really get the story line because I was falling asleep. It was a pain in the ass when some students were commenting at every scene during the movie. Wth? I'm about to tell you something really embarrassing...
...I was eating nachos with cheese. Somehow, I managed to get the cheese all over my shirt and skirt. Shit seyh, Olio say I eat like a baby. :( Can't blame me right, it was so dark in the movies and I couldn't be bothered. Ohmy. I was damn embarrassed when I was out of the movies. Had to cover with my bag and rush to the toilet to wash up.
By the way, my results are as follows:
English - 63
Chinese - 50
Maths - 43
Science - 61
Combined Hist - 38
Pure Geog - 52
Art - 66
It's damn freaking pathetic. I will buck up now and start studying. But Chinese, it's useless. I got caught for sleeping in class today. Lol.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Everything that you'd always wished for.
On Friday, headed to East Coast for Zak's party. Although it didn't turn out to be surprise one, it was an eventful one. I met more friends and people. We played, chit-chatted and stuffs luh. But apparently, I was so tired that I knocked off before 1am while the rest stayed through the night. & guess what? Saw "Shooting" and her (bf) at amk. Eeeeeeyer, pidophile!
Got home at 7+, bathed and went to my comfortable bed. Woke up around 12+ and headed to Banquet to meet Roy. Jan left while Kok Ping, Lowell, Roy and me took a bus down to Bishan. So L went to KP's house, R and I went to NLB. It was so packed that we ended up at TPayoh. Wtf? Lost track of time and realised we stood there for 5/6 hours. Went for dinner then went home.
Today's Sunday and I stayed home all day. Gonna take a dip in the pool now.
Got home at 7+, bathed and went to my comfortable bed. Woke up around 12+ and headed to Banquet to meet Roy. Jan left while Kok Ping, Lowell, Roy and me took a bus down to Bishan. So L went to KP's house, R and I went to NLB. It was so packed that we ended up at TPayoh. Wtf? Lost track of time and realised we stood there for 5/6 hours. Went for dinner then went home.
Today's Sunday and I stayed home all day. Gonna take a dip in the pool now.
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